Thank you for visiting Waist on Lock! Where you will find quality pieces, that will meet your shapewear needs.
Customer Service
For your convenience, each Waist on Lock product has a size chart attached. Please ensure you view the attached chart, as the sizes and measurements may differ per product.
If you need further assistance, please contact us at waistonlock@gmail.com.

Mailing Address
1455 W Redondo Beach Blvd, Ste 3232
Gardena, California 90247
Online Shopping 24/7
A message from the founder
My name is Lina Lockhart and Waist on Lock was established in 2019. As the founder of Waist on Lock, I've struggled with my own imperfections for years. Although I've always maintained a level of confidence through my understanding that, we are all beautiful, in various shapes and sizes. There were and still are things I want to improve. I would shop for shapewear, only to be disappointed. The roll downs, tugging and pulling; to the nonexistent compression or worst being so uncomfortable I just wanted to snatch it off! Not to mention the waist trainers that barely covered my entire abdomen. With all of the combined disappointments, Waist on Lock came to life. Offering customers quality pieces that provide the compression and coverage your looking for. With that being said...Let's get that Waist on Lock!